Play video MCU Motor Studio PC Tool
MCU Motor Studio PC Tool
Play video MCU Motor Studio Unique Feature
MCU Motor Studio Unique Feature
Play video MCU Motor Studio PC Tool Overview
MCU Motor Studio PC Tool Overview
The PC Tool allows motor parameter configuration, drive control, real-time logging and diagnostics via high-speed UART.
Play video MCU Motor Studio Installation
MCU Motor Studio Installation
How to install the MCU Motor Studio on your computer.
Play video Introducing MCU Motor Studio
Introducing MCU Motor Studio
MCU Motor Studio features a PC Tool and motor control firmware dedicated to the TXZ+™ Family Advanced Class microcontrollers. Quick and easy MCU evaluation for BLDC motor application can be started with Evaluation kits from MicroElektronika(MIKROE).
Play video High-Speed Data Rate, Lens Reduction Type CCD Linear Image Sensor: TCD2726DG
High-Speed Data Rate, Lens Reduction Type CCD Linear Image Sensor: TCD2726DG
TCD2726DG has Built-in Timing Generator circuit and CCD driver, and also achieves 100MHz (50MHz x 2ch) data rate. It contributes the reduction of external parts and EMI.
Play video Products overview: 5 groups of TXZ+™ family advanced class microcontroller
Products overview: 5 groups of TXZ+™ family advanced class microcontroller
M4K, M4M, M4G, and M4N groups are based on the Arm® Cortex®-M4 core, and M3H group is based on the Arm® Cortex®-M3 core. The microcontrollers realize low power consumption, support system miniaturization and motor control.
Play video Ceiling fan demo-machine
Ceiling fan demo-machine
Ceiling fan demo-machine equipped with BLDC motor, driven by motor control microcontroller TMPM37A. It's gearless drive, due to inverter control.
Play video Arm®core-based Toshiba microcontrollers / Introduction of TXZ™ Family M3H Group evaluation boards
Arm®core-based Toshiba microcontrollers / Introduction of TXZ™ Family M3H Group evaluation boards
The evaluation board can be used to confirm functions and features before implementation of the M3H group microcontrollers. The evaluation can be started immediately since on-board ICE is mounted.
Play video Arm(R) core-based micro controller - TX Family M060 Group evaluation board introduction
Arm(R) core-based micro controller - TX Family M060 Group evaluation board introduction
The evaluation board can be used to confirm functions and features before implementation of the M060 group microcontrollers. The evaluation can be started immediately since on-board ICE is mounted.
Play video New technology of Toshiba’s microcomputer - Introduction of Secure Firmware Rotation -
New technology of Toshiba’s microcomputer - Introduction of Secure Firmware Rotation -
Firmware rotation is Toshiba’s original new technology that can create a simple, secure low cost IoT system.FW rotation features the combination of a secure monitor in ROM and flash memory to store application software.
Play video Arm(R) core-based micro controller - TXZ Family M3H Group evaluation board introduction
Arm(R) core-based micro controller - TXZ Family M3H Group evaluation board introduction
The evaluation board can be used to confirm functions and features before implementation of the M3H group microcontrollers. The evaluation can be started immediately since on-board ICE is mounted.